Finding the Right Filament

  • Filament Guide

    Filament Guide

    A complete guide to help you to find the right filament for your project.  This includes whether you are looking for a specific material property or a filament based on...

  • Polymaker's Technologies

    Polymaker's Technologies

    Now that we have more material science knowledge it will be easier to understand the different technologies that Polymaker is using in our products to help combat some of these...

  • Material Comparisons

    Material Comparisons

    Below are our filament options with some descriptions of how each filament performs for those new to 3D printing. PLA is an easy to print material with a low price...

  • Material Properties

    Material Properties

    Below are some comparisons between our material options including the printability, weather resistance, rigidity, heat resistance, and durability. You can also find a lot more information with our Material Comparison App....