Material Comparisons

Material Comparisons

Material Comparisons

Below are our filament options with some descriptions of how each filament performs for those new to 3D printing.

PLA is an easy to print material with a low price point, but no PLA option is very heat resistant and can start to deform at 50˚C or higher.  Below are our PLA options

Panchroma™ PLAThis is our basic PLA option which comes in a wide variety of color choices.  It has a gloss print finish to it and is very easy to print.  It is a very stiff material but has a very low impact resistance, meaning it can break if dropped.  Along with standard colors, Panchroma PLA can come in Silk, Dual Silk, Galaxy, Starlight, Luminous, Celestial, Glow in the Dark, Neon, Translucent, Temperature Color Changing, and UV Color Changing colors.  Note that Glow in the Dark and Luminous require hardened nozzles to print.

Panchroma™ Matte: This material is very similar to Panchroma PLA being stiff with a low impact resistance, but has a matte finish to it. It is also a bioplastic based designed from the ground up to be more sustainable.  Panchroma Matte is slightly more abrasive than Panchroma PLA.  It does not require a hardened nozzle but will wear out a brass nozzle quicker.  Along with standard colors, Panchroma PLA can come in Dual Matte, Gradient Matte, Dual-Gradient Matte, Marble, and Satin colors. 

PolyLite™ PLA Pro: This is a material that is just as easy to print as standard PLA, is still stiff, but has a much higher impact resistance.  This means it is a great material for parts that requires some added strength while still getting the benefit of color options and a low price tag.  Along with standard colors, this also comes in Metallic colors.

PolyLite™ CosPLAThis is a special PLA formula designed for cosplay props.  It has been enhanced for ease of sanding, durability and paint-ability, but should be just as easy to print as standard PLA.

PolyMax™ PLAThis version of PLA is our unique blend featuring nano-reinforcement technology which increases its ductility.  This means it is not as stiff as the above PLA options, but it is very impact resistant.  This means it will bend instead of breaking and is the opposite of brittle.  It comes at a higher price point but will print just as easily as standard PLA and has a wide variety of color options.

PolySonic™ PLAThis is our PLA which allows for extremely fast printing.  This material can print up to 24mm³/s volumetric flow speed without the part experiencing any negative effects.  This equates to 300mm/s on a 0.4mm nozzle at 0.2mm layer heights.  It prints just as easily as standard PLA and has the same uses, it can just print much faster.

PolySonic™ PLA Pro: Just like with PolySonic PLA, this is our PLA pro that can print fast.  It will have the same characteristics as PLA Pro, just with the ability to print up to 22mm³/s volumetric speed.  

Specialty New Filament

Panchroma™ Regular:  Panchroma Regular is a brand new formula that is not PLA but will have very similar print settings and mechanical properties as PLA.  Panchroma Regular is based on a new innovative formula which we developed to improve printability (bridging, overhang), widen the printing temperature window and increase the printing speed up to 400mm/s.  Since Panchroma Regular is a not PLA, it is not recommended to combine it with any other Panchroma effects in a single print.

ABS and ASA are heat resistant materials with great impact resistance.  They require an enclosed printer with a higher ambient air to print properly.  These materials are soluble in acetone meaning they can be acetone vapor finished and they are easy to sand and tap.

PolyLite™ ABSThis is our choice for ABS.  It prints great at a low price point with a wide variety of colors.  Along with standard colors it also comes in Galaxy and Neon colors.

PolyLite™ ASA: This is our choice for ASA.  ASA has very similar properties to ABS but has the added benefit of being weather and UV resistant.  It can also hide layer lines a bit better than ABS.  Along with a wide variety of standard colors, you can get ASA in Galaxy colors.

PETG is a copolymer, combining the properties of PET and glycol.  It is a hard plastic that is chemically resistant.  It has a slightly higher heat resistance than PLA, but lower than ABS and ASA.  It is easy to print but prints can have a bit of "hair" or "strings" that can be cleaned post print.

PolyLite™ PETGThis is our basic PETG which is easy to print, stiff, and comes in at a low price point.  This version of PETG does not have very high impact resistance.  It comes in a wide variety of colors and we offer translucent options. 

PolyMax™ PETGThis is our PETG which is more ductile and has a higher impact resistance.  It is currently only offered in White and Black.

TPU is a soft material that will result in a flexible part.  The number associated is the shore hardness of the material.  The lower the number, the softer the material, and the more difficult it can be to print.

PolyFlex™ TPU90: This is our softest material option and will be quite flexible.  We highly recommend a direct extruder setup printing this because a Bowden setup may have a lot of difficulty.  The softer the material, the slower you will want to print the further your extruder is from the hotend.

PolyFlex™ TPU95This material is still quite flexible but a bit harder than TPU90.  This means it is easier to print than TPU 90 at higher speeds.  We still recommend using a direct extruder for this material, as Bowden setups may have difficulties.

PolyFlex™ TPU95-HFThis material has the same shore hardness as PolyFlex TPU95, but has the ability to print faster.  The HF stands for High Flow.  This means it is possible to use a Bowden extruder setup with this material, though we suggest using a direct extruder when printing at the fast speeds we say this material can print at.

Polycarbonate is a stiff material with a high heat resistance.  This material can be great for small parts but will require a high ambient air temperature for large dense parts.  All Polycarbonate options should also be annealed right when the print finishes at 90˚C for 2 hours in order for it to slowly release stress and not crack after printing.  It is generally not suggested for beginners.

PolyLite™ PCThis is our basic polycarbonate option.  It is very stiff but it is not impact resistant.  It comes in a translucent color with great light diffusing properties.  

PolyMax™ PC: This is a very impact resistant material when printed and annealed correctly.  It can have a great print surface quality and has very high toughness.  It is a great material choice for a wide variety of engineering applications, but the larger and more dense the part is, the more your printer needs to maintain a high ambient air temperature and the more it needs to be annealed right after printing. 

PolyMax™ PC-FRThis is a creation from Covestro’s Makrolon® family, could achieve V0 performance in the UL94 flame retardancy test and displays excellent toughness, strength and heat resistance. This filament opens new applications in the automotive, railway and aerospace industries.

PolyMax™ PC-ABSThis is a PC/ABS polymer blend which offers excellent toughness and heat resistance while displaying good surface finish and good compatibility with metal plating. 

PolyMax™ PC-PBTThis  is a PC/PBT polymer blend which offers good heat resistance and toughness at low temperature (-20˚C/-30˚C). Polymaker PC-PBT also features good chemical resistance.

Nylon materials come in a wide variety of mechanical properties, though all nylon options are very hygroscopic, meaning they easily absorb moisture.  This means they need to be dried before printing and kept in a filament dryer for the entire print duration.  Nylon materials can be very impact and heat resistant.  All of our Nylons feature our Warp-Free™ Technology which means they do not require a heated bed or heated chamber of more than 50˚C.  These options should be annealed at 80˚ for 6h, but it is not necessary to do the annealing directly after printing like it is with Polycarbonate.

PolyMide™ CoPAThis is based on a copolymer of Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6. The filament combines excellent strength, toughness, and heat resistance of up to 180˚C. It has difficulty printing clean overhangs, so you will want to only use this for prints that do not have a lot of overhangs.  It is not a stiff material and it will bend before breaking, but it is extremely impact resistant. 

Fiberon™ PA6-GF25This is a glass fiber reinforced PA6 (Nylon 6) filament and will require a hardened nozzle to print.  The material exhibits excellent thermal and mechanical properties without sacrificing the layer adhesion.

Fiberon™ PA6-CF20This is a carbon fiber reinforced PA6 (Nylon 6) filament that requires a hardened nozzle to print. The carbon fiber reinforcement provides significantly improved stiffness, strength and heat resistance with outstanding layer adhesion.  

Fiberon™ PA612-CF15This product is currently in Beta Testing and will require a hardened nozzle to print.  You are welcome to share your feedback on the product performance on our Discord.

Fiberon™ PA12-CF10This is a carbon fiber reinforced PA12 (Nylon 12) filament that will require a hardened nozzle to print. Thanks to the low moisture sensitivity of PA12, this product features outstanding mechanical and thermal properties even after the moisture conditioning process. Combined with its ease of print with Warp-Free™️ technology, this product is ideal to create manufacturing tools.  It also has an amazing print surface quality.

We also offer other Fiber Reinforced Materials that do not contain nylon under our Fiberon™ product family, each with their own unique characteristics.  All fiber reinforced material options will require a hardened nozzle due to abrasiveness.

Fiberon™ PPS-CF10: Fiberon PPS-CF10 is a carbon fiber reinforced PPS (Polyphenylene sulfide) filament, with minimal warping during mechanical strength, high heat resistance, chemical resistance, printing and no need for a heated chamber. With exceptional V0 flame retardancy, and moisture insensitivity, it's specifically designed for professionals operating in extreme conditions.  PPS-CF has a HDT of 252˚C making it an exceptional choice for any project requiring heat resistance.  Keep in mind though that it does require a hotend that can reach 310˚C, so you will need to check that your printer can achieve that.  

Fiberon™ PET-CF17: Fiberon PET-CF17 is a carbon fiber reinforced PET (polyethylene terephthalate) filament. It's the preferred choice for engineering 3D printing composite materials, featuring high modulus, heat resistance, moisture insensitivity, and ease of printing.  It is a great alternative to carbon fiber nylon options if you are worried about moisture sensitivity.

Fiberon™ PETG-rCF08: Fiberon PETG-rCF08 is a recycled carbon fiber reinforced PETG filament. It inherits the comprehensive performance of PETG, featuring recycled carbon fiber for enhanced surface texture and improved mechanical properties.

Fiberon™ PETG-ESD: Fiberon PETG-ESD offers electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety with improved toughness making it a good candidate for applications in electronics industry.

We also offer some unique materials that do not fall in the above categories.

PolySmooth™This is a PVB material which is just as easy to print as PLA with similar mechanical properties.  What makes this different is that it is soluble in isopropyl alcohol, allowing you to safely smooth layer lines via a hands free process, similar to acetone vapor finishing ABS, but with a much more safe solution.  PolySmooth can be post processed by either spraying IPA directly to the print, or even better it can be used with our Polysher.

PolyCast™This is a filament designed to produce investment patterns for investment casting applications. 3D printing significantly cuts down both the cost and lead time by eliminating the tooling process. 

PolySupport™This is a break away support for Polymaker PLA based filaments. It has a perfect interface with PLA, strong enough to support it and easily removable by hand. 

PolyDissolve S1™: This is a PVA based water dissolvable support for PLA, TPU, PVB and Nylon based filaments from our portfolio. It is specifically engineered to have a perfect interface with these materials while also displaying good solubility. It is very hygroscopic meaning it should be dried prior to printing and kept in a filament dryer for the duration of the print.  It is suggested to use this material in an IDEX or Tool Changer printer. 

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